Creating Web-compatible text

When you convert paragraph text to Web-compatible text, you can edit the text of the published document in an HTML editor. If you are publishing a drawing to the Web as HTML, you can change text font characteristics, including the font type, size, and style. The Web-compatible text sizes, numbered 1 through 7, correspond to particular point sizes between the 10-point and 48-point range. For more information about formatting text, see “Formatting paragraph text.”

The default Web font style is used automatically unless you override it with another font. If you choose to override it, the default font is used when visitors to your Web site don’t have the same font installed on their computers. The bold, italic, and underline text styles are also available. You can apply uniform fills, but not outlines, to Web-compatible text.

Any non-Web-compatible text in your drawing is converted to bitmaps when you publish your drawing to the World Wide Web as HTML.

To make text Web-compatible

CorelDRAW btnbacktotop Creating Web compatible text

Do the following
Change paragraph text to Web-compatible text
Select the paragraph text. Click Text CorelDRAW onestep Creating Web compatible text Make text Web compatible.
Make new text Web-compatible
Click Tools CorelDRAW onestep Creating Web compatible text Options. In the list of categories, double-click Workspace, Text, and click Paragraph. Enable the Make all new paragraph text frames Web compatible check box.

CorelDRAW note Creating Web compatible text

Ensure that the Web-compatible text does not intersect or overlap other objects or extend beyond the boundaries of the drawing page; otherwise the text will be converted to a bitmap, and it will lose its Internet properties.
Artistic text cannot be converted to Web-compatible text and is always treated as a bitmap. However, you can convert it to paragraph text and then make it Web compatible. For information on converting text, see “Finding, editing, and converting text.”

Creating Web-compatible text