Previewing and identifying fonts

CorelDRAW lets you preview fonts before you use them. You can also preview a font in all available styles, such as bold and italic.

You can also easily identify a font in the text portion of a graphic design. CorelDRAW lets you capture a sample of the graphic and automatically upload it to for identification.

To identify a font

CorelDRAW btnbacktotop Previewing and identifying fonts
Click Text CorelDRAW onestep Previewing and identifying fonts WhatTheFont?!
Drag the cursor to create a marquee around the font that you want to identify.Click inside the capture area, or press Enter to complete the capture. To cancel, press Esc.
On the WhatTheFont?! Web site, the font you captured is displayed.
Follow the directions on the WhatTheFont?! Web site to complete the font identification.

CorelDRAW note Previewing and identifying fonts

The ideal letter height for the best search result is about 100 pixels. Capture only uppercase or lowercase letters, not numbers or special characters. Make sure that the captured text is horizontal and that the letters do not touch.

To preview a font

CorelDRAW btnbacktotop Previewing and identifying fonts
Click the Text tool CorelDRAW loc pgx text tool Previewing and identifying fonts.
On the property bar, click the Font list box.
The font name appears in the given font.

CorelDRAW note Previewing and identifying fonts

The names of symbol fonts are displayed in the default user interface font, with examples of the symbol font appearing to the right of the symbol font name.

CorelDRAW tip Previewing and identifying fonts

If a font has other styles, such as bold or italic, you can preview them by clicking the flyout arrow CorelDRAW onestep Previewing and identifying fonts next to the font name.

To display fonts in a document

CorelDRAW btnbacktotop Previewing and identifying fonts
Click Text CorelDRAW onestep Previewing and identifying fonts Font list options.
Enable the Show document fonts only check box.
Only the fonts used in the active drawing appear in the Font list box on the property bar when the Text tool CorelDRAW loc pgx text tool Previewing and identifying fonts is active.

CorelDRAW tip Previewing and identifying fonts

The fonts you used most recently are displayed at the top of the Font list box. By default, the list displays the five most recently used fonts. You can modify the number of fonts that appear in this list by typing a value in the Number of most recently used fonts displayed box. The maximum number of recently used fonts that you can display is 20.

Previewing and identifying fonts