Rotating and mirroring objects

CorelDRAW lets you rotate and create mirror images of objects. You can rotate an object by specifying horizontal and vertical coordinates. You can move the center of rotation to a specific ruler coordinate or to a point that is relative to the current position of the object.

CorelDRAW workobj rotate center Rotating and mirroring objects

Rotating objects around a single point

Mirroring an object flips it from left to right or top to bottom. By default, the mirror anchor point is in the center of the object.

CorelDRAW workobj mirror example Rotating and mirroring objects

Mirroring an object from top to bottom

To rotate an object

CorelDRAW btnbacktotop Rotating and mirroring objects
Select an object.
Click Window CorelDRAW onestep Rotating and mirroring objects Dockers CorelDRAW onestep Rotating and mirroring objects Transformations CorelDRAW onestep Rotating and mirroring objects Rotate.
Disable the Relative center check box in the Transformations docker.
To rotate an object around a point relative to its current position, enable the Relative center check box.
Type a value in the Angle box.

You can also
Specify a point around which you want to rotate the object
Type values in the H and V boxes to specify the position of the object along the horizontal and vertical axes. Click Apply.
Use rotation handles to rotate an object
Drag a rotation handle clockwise or counterclockwise on a selected object.
Use the property bar to rotate an object
Type a value in the Angle of rotation box on the property bar.

CorelDRAW tip Rotating and mirroring objects

You can also view and set the relative center of an object by clicking the object to display the rotation handles, and dragging the relative center handle (circle with a dot in the middle) to a new position.
You can set the relative center of an object to its original position by enabling the Relative center check box and clicking the center option in the area below the check box.

To rotate an object around a ruler coordinate

CorelDRAW btnbacktotop Rotating and mirroring objects
Select an object.
Click Window CorelDRAW onestep Rotating and mirroring objects Dockers CorelDRAW onestep Rotating and mirroring objects Transformations CorelDRAW onestep Rotating and mirroring objects Rotate.
Disable the Relative center check box.
Type a value in the Angle box.
Type values in any of the following Center boxes:
H — lets you specify the point on the horizontal ruler around which the object rotates
V — lets you specify the point on the vertical ruler around which the object rotates
Type a value in the Angle of rotation box on the property bar.
Press Enter.

To mirror an object

CorelDRAW btnbacktotop Rotating and mirroring objects
Select an object.
Click Window CorelDRAW onestep Rotating and mirroring objects Dockers CorelDRAW onestep Rotating and mirroring objects Transformations CorelDRAW onestep Rotating and mirroring objects Scale.
In the Transformations docker, click one of the following:
Horizontal mirror CorelDRAW pgx horizontal mirror Rotating and mirroring objects — lets you flip the object from left to right
Vertical mirror CorelDRAW pgx verticalmirror Rotating and mirroring objects — lets you flip the object from top to bottom
If you want to flip the object on a specific anchor point, enable the check box that corresponds to the anchor point you want to set.
Click Apply.

CorelDRAW tip Rotating and mirroring objects

You can also mirror a selected object by holding down Ctrl and dragging a selection handle to the opposite side of the object.
You can also mirror a selected object by clicking the Mirror buttons on the property bar.

Rotating and mirroring objects