Spraying objects along a line

CorelDRAW lets you spray a series of objects in a line. Besides graphic and text objects, you can import bitmaps and symbols to spray along a line.

You can control how a sprayed line appears by adjusting the spacing between objects, so they are closer or farther apart from each other. You can also vary the order of objects in the line. For example, if you are spraying a series of objects that includes a star, a triangle, and a square, you can change the spray order so that the square appears first, followed by the triangle and then the star. CorelDRAW also lets you shift the position of objects in a sprayed line by rotating them along the path or offsetting them in one of four different directions: alternating, left, random, or right. For example, you can choose a left offset direction to align the objects you spray to the left of the path.

You can also create a new spraylist with objects of your own.

CorelDRAW lines spray examples Spraying objects along a line

Objects sprayed along a curved line (left). The objects and line were edited after the objects were sprayed (right).

To spray a line

CorelDRAW btnbacktotop Spraying objects along a line
In the toolbox, click the Artistic media tool CorelDRAW pgx artisticmedia tool Spraying objects along a line .
Click the Sprayer button CorelDRAW pgx sprayer button Spraying objects along a line on the property bar.
Choose a spraylist from the Spraylist file list box on the property bar.
If the spraylist you want is not listed, click the Browse button on the property bar to select the folder in which the file is located.
Drag to draw the line.

You can also
Adjust the number of objects sprayed at each spacing point
Type a number in the top box of the Dabs/spacing of objects to be sprayed CorelDRAW pgx dabspacing top Spraying objects along a line box on the property bar.
Adjust the spacing between dabs
Type a number in the bottom box of the Dabs/spacing of objects to be sprayed CorelDRAW loc pgx dabspacing bottom Spraying objects along a line box on the property bar.
Set the spray order
Choose a spray order from the Choice of spray order list box on the property bar.
Adjust the size of spray objects
Type a number in the top box of the Size of objects to be sprayed box on the property bar.
Increase or decrease the size of the spray objects as they progress along the line
Type a number in the bottom box of the Size of objects to be sprayed box on the property bar.
Reset a spraylist to its saved settings
Click the Reset values button CorelDRAW pgx spray reset button Spraying objects along a line on the property bar.

CorelDRAW note Spraying objects along a line

Increasing the value for the size of spray objects along the line causes objects to become larger as they are distributed along the path.
Spraylists that have more complex objects use more system resources. CorelDRAW requires more time to produce lines when complex objects are used, and these objects increase the file size. Using symbols for each group in the list can help reduce file size and ease the demands on your system. For more information about creating symbols, see “Working with symbols.”

To rotate the lines that you spray

CorelDRAW btnbacktotop Spraying objects along a line
Select the spraylist that you want to adjust.
Click the Rotation button CorelDRAW pgx spray rotate Spraying objects along a line on the property bar.
Type a value between 0 and 360 in the Angle box on the property bar.
If you want each object in the spray to rotate incrementally, enable the Use Increment check box and type a value in the Increment box.
Enable one of the following options:
Relative to path — rotates objects in relation to the line
Relative to page — rotates objects in relation to the page
Press Enter.

To offset the lines that you spray

CorelDRAW btnbacktotop Spraying objects along a line
Select a spraylist.
Click the Offset button CorelDRAW pgx spray offset button Spraying objects along a line on the property bar.
Enable the Use offset check box to offset objects from the path of the line sprayed.
If you want to adjust the offset distance, type a new value in the Offset box.
Choose an offset direction from the Offset direction list box.
If you want to alternate between the left and right of the line, choose Alternating.

To create a new spraylist

CorelDRAW btnbacktotop Spraying objects along a line
Click Effects CorelDRAW onestep Spraying objects along a line Artistic media.
Select an object, a set of grouped objects, or a symbol.
Click the Save button on the Artistic media docker.
Enable Object sprayer.
Click OK.
Type a filename in the Filename box.
Click Save.

CorelDRAW note Spraying objects along a line

Spraylists are saved as CorelDRAW (CDR) files and can be accessed from the Spraylist file list box on the Artistic media property bar.

CorelDRAW tip Spraying objects along a line

To delete a custom spraylist, select the spraylist from the Spraylist file list box on the property bar, and click the Delete button CorelDRAW pgx delete trash button Spraying objects along a line .

Spraying objects along a line