Drawing polygons and stars

CorelDRAW lets you draw polygons and two types of stars: perfect and complex. Perfect stars are traditional-looking stars and can have a fill applied to the entire star shape. Complex stars have intersecting sides and produce original results with a fill applied.

CorelDRAW shapes polygon stars Drawing polygons and stars

Left to right: Polygon, perfect star, and complex star, each with a fountain fill applied

You can modify polygons and stars. For example, you can change the number of sides on a polygon or the number of points on a star, and you can sharpen the points of a star. You can also use the Shape tool to reshape polygons and complex stars, just as you would with any other curve object. For more information about working with curve objects, see “Using curve objects.” Perfect stars can also be reshaped, but with some restrictions.

To draw a polygon

CorelDRAW btnbacktotop Drawing polygons and stars
In the toolbox, click the Polygon tool CorelDRAW pgx polygon tool Drawing polygons and stars, and drag in the drawing window until the polygon is the size you want.

CorelDRAW tip Drawing polygons and stars

You can draw a polygon from its center by holding down Shift as you drag.
You can draw a symmetrical polygon by holding down Ctrl as you drag.

To draw a star

CorelDRAW btnbacktotop Drawing polygons and stars

Do the following
Draw a perfect star
In the toolbox, click the Star tool CorelDRAW pgx star tool Drawing polygons and stars, and drag in the drawing window until the star is the size you want.
Draw a complex star
In the toolbox, click the Complex star tool CorelDRAW pgx complex star tool Drawing polygons and stars, and drag in the drawing window until the star is the size you want.

CorelDRAW tip Drawing polygons and stars

You can draw a star from its center by holding down Shift as you drag.
You can draw a symmetrical star by holding down Ctrl as you drag.

To modify a polygon

CorelDRAW btnbacktotop Drawing polygons and stars

Do the following
Change the number of sides of a polygon
Select a polygon, type a value in the Number of points or sides on polygon, star or complex star box on the property bar, and press Enter.
Reshape a polygon into a star
Select a polygon, click the Shape tool CorelDRAW pgx shape tool Drawing polygons and stars, and drag a node on the polygon until the star is the shape you want.

CorelDRAW shapes shape polygons Drawing polygons and stars

Left to right: The Shape tool was used to change a polygon into a star that can be shaped as a curve object. The line segments of the star were then converted to curves and adjusted to produce the starfish shape.

To modify a star

CorelDRAW btnbacktotop Drawing polygons and stars

Do the following
Change the number of points on a star
Select a star, type a value in the Number of points or side on polygon, star or complex star box on the property bar, and press Enter.
Sharpen a star’s points
Select a star, and type a value in the Sharpness of star and complex star box on the property bar.
Reshape a star
Select a star, click the Shape tool CorelDRAW pgx shape tool Drawing polygons and stars, and drag a node on the star.

CorelDRAW note Drawing polygons and stars

When you use the Shape tool to reshape a perfect star, the node movement is constrained. Also, on perfect stars, you cannot add or delete nodes, nor can you convert line segments to curves.

Drawing polygons and stars