Transforming color and tone

You can transform the color and tone of an image to produce a special effect. For example, you can create an image that looks like a photographic negative or flatten the appearance of an image. To transform the color and tone of images, you can use the following effects:

Deinterlace — lets you remove lines from scanned or interlaced images
Invert — lets you reverse the colors of an image. Inverting an image creates the appearance of a photographic negative.
Posterize — lets you reduce the number of tonal values in an image. Posterize removes gradations and creates larger areas of flat color.

To transform color and tone

CorelDRAW btnbacktotop Transforming color and tone
Select a bitmap.
Click Effects CorelDRAW onestep Transforming color and tone Transform, and click any of the following:

Transforming color and tone